Monday, September 23, 2013

Periodic Table

       HEY PEOPLE. OK today I am going to talk about the Periodic Table. In a simple way it is just a chart of elements. Here's a little fun fact there are a total of 118 elements and the person who made the chart that we use today is Dmitri Mendeleev's. One more fun fact is that any element over 92 can only be created in a lab.

       When you look at the table there is numbers and letters. The numbers in the top of each square are atomic number. The atomic number is equal to the number of protons in an atom's nucleus. The atomic number determines which element an atom is. The number on the bottom is the atomic mass of the element. The one or more letters in the middle are the abbreviation for the element for a example Nitrogen it's atomic number is 7 and the abbreviation is just N.

The periodic table is is 3/4 metals. Periods are horizontal rows, and groups are vertical row's. In the middle are the metals like copper and gold. Then at group 18 is is gases like neon and the others are alkali metals.

       Dmitri Mendeleev's is the creator of the modern table of elements. He was smart and left space for the elements he thought we would find. He figured out a pattern in the elements and put empty spaces there. If you are wondering what he looks like here is a pic of him.

Here is some facts about metals. Transition Metals such as iron and strong and shiny. Poor Metals such as lead are soft and have a low melting point. Seminetals such as silicon conduct electricity, but only under certain conditions  also useful in electronics.

Well I hope you found this informational and didn't put you to sleep. Btw the red underlined words are links. Remember this is has easy as Wumbo Logic.


  1. pretty good. nice pictures. the layout was kinda weird tho. it would be easier to read if it was up and down. overll 89%

  2. I like your ratio of multimedia and word, but it would be better if you have more information. You have all the information you need tho! I'll give you B!

  3. Good job! I liked the pictures and you had a balanced amount of information. Few gramatical mistakes, but it was a little short. Overall it was good though; A.

  4. Great job you added good pictures, and you had good information.

  5. good job could have had more information I give you a B
