Monday, September 30, 2013

Chemical Bonds

       Hey! Chemical Bonds do you know anything about it. I hope not because that is what the blog is about. So i'm going to explain atoms structure such as shells,nucleus, etc.   

        So atoms have a structure like any other thing. So lets start with the center like the heart of an atom its called the nucleus. The nucleus contains the protons and neutrons. After the nucleus is the shells which is a circle around the atom that the electrons fly around. and the cloud its the space that the electrons fly around its different from the shell the shells are the layers of electrons. The cloud is the space for them to fly in.

        Each atom has a certain number of electronic shells. Each shell has different amount of electrons. First one is two then 8, 18, 32, 50. 72.

        A stable atom is when the shells are full with electrons its happy, but doesn't want to give up any electrons. So an unstable atom is when it doesn't have a full shell of electrons so it will take or share electrons.

        A chemical bond is when 2 or more atoms join together. So H20 is a bond. There are different types of bonds like ionic and covalent bonds. An ionic bond is when a positive and negative atom join together. A covalent bond is when the atoms share electrons.

        Comment what you think hope you liked it. BYE!!!


  1. more info ya poof! Good job with pics though! 93% A

  2. You need a little mroe info and a couple more pics But good job with what you had! 89%

  3. nice pics and info. overall great.

  4. It was a little short but overall A

  5. It was a little short and has a few grammer mistakes but good pics. B+

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