HEY PEOPLE back with another blog. This time I'm going to explain compound mixtures and elements. Wait don't forget about heterogeneous and homogeneous. So lets start with compounds are you ready well I don't care if you are not.
OK so compounds they are two or more elements bond together. It For a compound a chemical change takes place. Compounds do not contain there individual properties once becoming a compound. Not only does the properties change the appearance changes. For an example
water its two hydrogen and one oxygen, but you probably already knew that.
Now lets go into mixtures for an example chocolate and milk mix those together what do you get chocolate milk. Unlike compounds mixtures are a physical change, and unlike compounds each of the substance keeps its properties. You could sometimes split up the mixture (depending if its a heterogeneous or a homogeneous, but we will get to that later for now lets say its a salad) we could be able to split up the
salad of its ingredients.
Know lets get into the heterogeneous and homogeneous. Homogeneous is like if you put sugar in tea you would not be able to see it. It would have dissolved. That's why in the example in the paragraph above I said it depends. Now Heterogeneous is where its not completely combined. Think of a hamburger you will be able to split it up the meat, cheese, lettuce etc... then each ingredient is separated.
Well thank you for reading this hope it helped if you were confused or just wanted to know about this. If you just didn't that's OK. I will probably post again soon and don't forget to WUMBO SCIENCE.