Monday, September 30, 2013

Chemical Bonds

       Hey! Chemical Bonds do you know anything about it. I hope not because that is what the blog is about. So i'm going to explain atoms structure such as shells,nucleus, etc.   

        So atoms have a structure like any other thing. So lets start with the center like the heart of an atom its called the nucleus. The nucleus contains the protons and neutrons. After the nucleus is the shells which is a circle around the atom that the electrons fly around. and the cloud its the space that the electrons fly around its different from the shell the shells are the layers of electrons. The cloud is the space for them to fly in.

        Each atom has a certain number of electronic shells. Each shell has different amount of electrons. First one is two then 8, 18, 32, 50. 72.

        A stable atom is when the shells are full with electrons its happy, but doesn't want to give up any electrons. So an unstable atom is when it doesn't have a full shell of electrons so it will take or share electrons.

        A chemical bond is when 2 or more atoms join together. So H20 is a bond. There are different types of bonds like ionic and covalent bonds. An ionic bond is when a positive and negative atom join together. A covalent bond is when the atoms share electrons.

        Comment what you think hope you liked it. BYE!!!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Periodic Table

       HEY PEOPLE. OK today I am going to talk about the Periodic Table. In a simple way it is just a chart of elements. Here's a little fun fact there are a total of 118 elements and the person who made the chart that we use today is Dmitri Mendeleev's. One more fun fact is that any element over 92 can only be created in a lab.

       When you look at the table there is numbers and letters. The numbers in the top of each square are atomic number. The atomic number is equal to the number of protons in an atom's nucleus. The atomic number determines which element an atom is. The number on the bottom is the atomic mass of the element. The one or more letters in the middle are the abbreviation for the element for a example Nitrogen it's atomic number is 7 and the abbreviation is just N.

The periodic table is is 3/4 metals. Periods are horizontal rows, and groups are vertical row's. In the middle are the metals like copper and gold. Then at group 18 is is gases like neon and the others are alkali metals.

       Dmitri Mendeleev's is the creator of the modern table of elements. He was smart and left space for the elements he thought we would find. He figured out a pattern in the elements and put empty spaces there. If you are wondering what he looks like here is a pic of him.

Here is some facts about metals. Transition Metals such as iron and strong and shiny. Poor Metals such as lead are soft and have a low melting point. Seminetals such as silicon conduct electricity, but only under certain conditions  also useful in electronics.

Well I hope you found this informational and didn't put you to sleep. Btw the red underlined words are links. Remember this is has easy as Wumbo Logic.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Compounds,Mixtures, and Elements

       HEY PEOPLE back with another blog. This time I'm going to explain compound mixtures and elements. Wait don't forget about heterogeneous and homogeneous. So lets start with compounds are you ready well I don't care if you are not.

      OK so compounds they are two or more elements bond together. It  For a compound a chemical change takes place. Compounds do not contain there individual properties once becoming a compound. Not only does the properties change the appearance changes. For an example water its two hydrogen and one oxygen, but you probably already knew that.

      Now lets go into mixtures for an example chocolate and milk mix those together what do you get chocolate milk. Unlike compounds mixtures are a physical change, and unlike compounds each of the substance keeps its properties. You could sometimes split up the mixture (depending if its a heterogeneous or a homogeneous, but we will get to that later for now lets say its a salad)  we could be able to split up the salad of its ingredients.

      Know lets get into the heterogeneous and homogeneous. Homogeneous is like if you put sugar in tea you would not be able to see it. It would have dissolved. That's why in the example in the paragraph above I said it depends. Now Heterogeneous is where its not completely combined. Think of a hamburger you will be able to split it up the meat, cheese, lettuce etc... then each ingredient is separated.

    Well thank you for reading this hope it helped if you were confused or just wanted to know about this. If you just didn't that's OK. I will probably post again soon and don't forget to WUMBO SCIENCE.


HEY PEOPLE. Ever wonder what makes up everything and why water is water and things like that Probability not. Well I'm going to explain atoms and molecules and things like that know. Why are you explaining this you might ask my answer because I can.

     Atoms are the smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the elements. It consists of protons, neutrons, and one or more electrons. The nucleus which is in the middle of the atoms makes up more than 99.9% of the mass, but only a trillionth of its total volume. More than 99.9% of an atom volume is empty space. If an atom nucleus were the size of an basketball its electrons would be zipping around several miles away.  The nucleus is held together by a strong force which is 1038 times stronger then gravity.

A Greek philosopher Democritus who asked “Could matter be divided into smaller and smaller pieces forever, or is there a limit to the number of times a piece of matter could be divided.

     Two different types of atoms can bond together to make molecules. Water is a molecule it is two hydrogen and one oxygen for short H20. Another molecule is H2O2 which is hydrogen peroxide.


     The Periodic Table list all the elements that are known to human. There are 117 elements on the Periodic Table. It also says its atomic number which is the small number in the top of the element box.     

     Well that's the end. I hope you liked it and I will be posting again soon. If you didn't read it that's fine because you visited my page and that's another view for me.