Monday, December 16, 2013

Isaac Newton

      This blog is about Isaac Newton . About his life his accomplishments and discoveries. He was born on Christmas Day, 1642. He actually had two birthdays because they used two calenders back then. He was a philosopher, Astronomer, Mathematician, and physicist. He was actually a Sir he was knighted by a Queen for all he has done for the world.


    Isaac Newton didn't have a father growing up because a month before he was born his father had died. He was also born premature and after he was born his mother gave him to his grandparents to be raised and she left for some old dude. He grew up in in a place called Woolsthrope. He went to collage at Cambridge but he mother came back one day and took him to the family farm were she wanted him to be a farmer like his dad. He didn't like farming and went back to his studies at the school. One day when he was at the apple garden in Woolsthrope he saw a apple falling from a tree. Later he began to think of the moon and if it was the same thing.
    He built his own telescope in 1669 because at the time the telescopes were bad and it would lose color and the pic would be weird. So he built his own and gave one to the Royal Society. He worked with money too he would find counter fit peaces. He was also elected president every year he was there tell his death.He was buried at Westminster Abbey.
    So BYE EVERYONE. Hope you liked the blog and bye again.

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