Saturday, October 19, 2013


        HI this blog is about the worlds biggest volcano. You think it would be above ground but you are wrong. Its in the ocean its called the Tamu Massif its 2 miles down in the Pacific Ocean.

       Scientist thought it was a bunch of volcano's squished together but its not just one big volcano. The volcano is roughly 11.580 miles wide and 18.6 miles tall, but only the tip of the volcano is visible to us because its so low. The volcano sits on top of a skin of rock so the volcano sinks into the rock so it so low no one has ever seen the bottom in person they send robots.

       It is dated to be 145 million years old and 50 times the size of Hawaii's famous Mauna Loa. This volcano's is special in its shape when you think of a volcano you think of an up side down cone but this one is like and bowl. It has erupted several times and its like sheets of lava that are up to 75 feet thick. It does not only spite out lava from the top its like a vents in a building air go's throw all vents well the volcano has vents and spites lava out of all those so up down side ways. When the volcano erupts the quick cooling of the water makes the lava go to rock and add on to the volcano so it nonstop growing. They thought a million years ago that it once could of been an island but there is not any evidence.

       Well I hoped you learned something cool and that volcano's can be under water. Comment what you think hope you liked it. By the way the red and blue under lined word it a link!