Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Sciences current event

       Hi today blog is about the Lone Star bug it is a new bug that causes flu like symptoms and can kill.its in Tennessee and Missouri. It is called that because of the yellow thing on its back its reddish brown with an yellow spot

      The first time it came up was when a farmer in Missouri was bite by a tick but it was really this bug and he got very sick and another farmer in Missouri got sick and went in he said he got almost 20 tick bites a day for two weeks. There is no cure for this yet but they are studying it. It spreads many different types of viruses and diseases. It also lowers your white blood cell.

       It is common with males over 50 and you are most likely to get it if you are 50 or over and a farmer or life next to a forest or swampy place. Doctors advise to wear bug spray and wear pants and a jacket when going in and out of the forest
     My opinion on this is that its creepy and I hope it does not spread  and that the population on this bug does not turn into a big number. I hope its something that can be cured and can go away easily.

     OK that is all for today hope you liked the blog. Here is the link . OK GOOD BYE

Thursday, April 17, 2014


      Today's blog is about waves. There are many different types of waves the most common water waves but there are sound waves brain waves and many more. Waves also carry energy.Mechanical Wave is a wave that ravels through matter. Electromagnetic waves have an acceleration of an electric charge.

      When your phone is on vibrate and someone text you. It makes a noise even though its on vibrate . The reason for that is when the phone start to vibrate it moves and hit other objects which makes noise. When your phone is on a table and it vibrates its moving a little and hitting the table that is making noise.

       There are different parts of a wave the crest which is the top of a wave and the trough which is the bottom of a wave. Wavelength is a distance between two crest of two trough.Frequency is the number of wave lengths that pass a point in one sec. Amplitude is the amount of vibration inside of that wave.

      There are two types of mechanical waves which is transverse and compressional waves. Transverse waves are a wave in which the direction of displacement is perpendicular to the direction of propagation. A compressional wave is a shock wave.

     OK thank you for reading BYE.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Newtons Law

       HI people today's blog is about Newtons laws there are a total of three. The first Law is an object in motion will stay at motion unless and external for stops it. A object at rest will stay at rest unless an external force moves it. When a soccer ball is not in motion an external force can make it in motion like me kicking a soccer ball. When the soccer ball is in motion I can take it out of motion by putting my foot on it.

       Newtons second law says that the acceleration of an object is dependent on two thing the net force acting on the object and the mass of the object. The pic on the right the dog is accelerating at 100 N and the mass of the rock is 50 kg.

      Newtons third and finale law is for every force in nature there is an equal and opposite force. When someone is skateboarding there using force to move the board forward but friction is pulling it back.

      OK hope you liked the blog on the laws so yea BYE PEOPLE.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


      HI today's blog is about gravity. Gravity is Something that pulls something to it. Everything has gravity me, Earth, the sun even a tree has gravity it might not be strong enough to pull you to it but it has it. The sun it has gravity and its strong enough to pull planets around it. Earth for an example it pulls the moon around us.

      Galileo created a famous experiment about gravity. He went to the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and dropped two balls that are different sizes. The balls hit the ground at the same time so he proved that all objects hit the ground at the same time. Issac Newton also had something to do with the study of gravity. When Newton got hit on the head with the apple he figured out that it was gravity. By that apple hitting his head he figured out so much things like the three laws of gravity (for more about him I have a blog post about him)
       Mass and weight may sound the same but are different. Mass is how big an object is the weight is how heavy it is. Mass and distance has an effect on gravity the more mass it has the more gravity but distance if also important but the further you are away from something the less gravitation pull because of the distance. Gravity is one of the most important forces in the word because without it we would fly off.
       Thank you for reading the blog hope you liked it THANK YOU. BYE EVERYONE.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


       Hi today's blog is about force. In this blog we will talk about force, thrust, Newtons, Net Force, and centripetal force. What is force, force is a push or pull. Force is when you pull a door open or when you kick a soccer ball across a field or Pushing someone.

A Newton is equal to the force that would give a mass of one kilo and acceleration of one meter per second. Net Force is the overall force acting on an object. Thrust is a push or a force. An example is a fixed wing plane generates forward thrust when air is pushing in the direction opposite to flight. Thrust relates to force because they are both a push. Centripetal force is a force that makes something follow a curved path like this car its pointing forward bit the road curves. Balanced and unbalanced force is like two people pushing on a door if one is stronger and taller and the other is not its unbalanced. Balanced would be two people same strength and height.


Sunday, February 9, 2014


       HI today's blog is about acceleration. Acceleration is the change in velocity divided by the time it takes for the change to happen. The pic on the left it shows acceleration. If you want to calculate acceleration you would use this formula: final speed-initial speed/ time.

      There are three different ways to accelerate. It is positive, negative, and velocity acceleration. The pic on the bottom is graphing acceleration. When the line goes up its accelerating when its the same its the steady speed and going down it deceleration.

Hope everyone liked it it was shorter this time. Here are my linked too

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


      Today's blog is about Motion,Speed,and Velocity. First i'm going to tell you what Motion is. Motion is the movement of an object from one place to another or just something moving. Like this pic on the left. Speed is the distance an object travels in a unit of time.

      Speed is the distance an object travels in a unit of time. You can calculate speed with this equation S=D/T. Average speed in the distance divided by the time. The speed of an object at one instant time is the objects instantaneous speed. Average speed is the speed that you are going for a long time. Instantaneous is the speed that you are going at that moment. A real world example of theses would be driving cars.

     Everything is always in motion. You are in motion when you run. The pic on the right that car is in motion. Relative motion is when an object changes it position from one place to another. Like when you kick a soccer ball. The ball is changing position. Velocity is the rate at which the object changes position.

 Hope you liked the blog BYE.